
"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."
Terry Pratchet, Diggers

Fomantic UI 2.8.6 released


Well. I only finally got the chance last week to upgrade our newer systems to Fomantic UI version 2.8.5, and lo and behold - a new version has just been released today.

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Fomantic UI 2.8.6 released | BlueSky Perth Custom Web + App Development

Not that I am complaining. Regular and timely upgrades are always good, especially when it fixes some "major" bugs. As summarised by the Fomantic UI team on their Twitter post :


v2.8.6 is out! This fixes serious display bugs in dropdown, modal on firefox, icons and image/basic labels. It also corrects timezone issues in calendar and compact grid alignment.


You can find the details of the changelog here .

Fortunately, I still have some time today to upgrade the, well, upgrade from last week.

But .. one interesting point is - it does look like the minor change which had pretty major implications to current layouts (which I spoke about in my last post) has been reverted. So, no more vertical-align:middle; on the icon class anymore. My guess is more than enough people were complaining about it?

Rizal Farok | BlueSky Perth Custom Web + App Development
Rizal Farok
4 years ago
programming CSS/HTML

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