
"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."
Terry Pratchet, Diggers

What is Flutter and Why We Use it to Build Software Applications?


Today we are going to talk about Flutter and how this simplifies the build of mobile and desktop applications, which increases productivity in the world of software developers and engineers.

What is Flutter?

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What is Flutter and Why We Use it to Build Software Applications? | BlueSky Perth Custom Web + App Development

Flutter has been created and owned by Google, which is a cross-platform development tool coming from a single code base. This means to write the code once and deploy it across all the different platforms such as iOS, Android, and Web. The first version of Flutter was released in 2017 with version two released in March 2021 which now includes many exciting features opening up a whole door of opportunities such as on a web platform to name one.

Let's dive into why we use Flutter at BlueSky Digital Labs and why this is the best solution for our customers.

1. Reduce development time which saves time and money!

With Flutter this simplifies everything as you only need to write one single codebase, which allows the same code to be shared across both Android and iOS smartphones. Instead of the old way of developing which would be with two separate teams one building in iOS and another team building Android, Flutter changes everything. This minimises the development time on our end, increases productivity, which of course means less outlay of money for our customers. For some businesses, it allows accessing some of their Wishlist to add more features onto their app because of the cheaper build cost, which is a win/win all around.

2. Why Flutter's Language Dart is easier

Dart is a programming language that is a client-optimised language, allowing faster development, which is easy for developers to read and visualize easily. Dart is also developed by Google and works alongside Flutter, so they talk to each other.

Dart can also be used for server building and desktop applications so is multi-functional with its approach.

3. Reduce Testing Time

In the development world testing is a big part of what we do to make sure the app is running smoothly during the build process and before launch. The good thing about Flutter because of the same code base if cuts the testing stage almost in half. Also, Flutter has a stand-alone package which is Flutter Driver to perform testing, easily and effectively, which of course saves time.

4. Easy integration

Most businesses have other software they are using in their everyday workday and the bonus is Flutter apps and web-based platforms allow easy integration. Lucky with Flutter they have a really simple onboarding process.

As you can see it's a game-changer in the software development world and allows our customers a quicker, cheaper, and simplified solution for application building. We believe it's only a matter of time when Flutter will be the best cross-platform UI framework across the software development world for app building.

Photo credit: Alexandar Todov on Unsplash

Team BlueSky | BlueSky Perth Custom Web + App Development
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