
"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."
Terry Pratchet, Diggers

Beacons - What why how?


Discover beacon technology, it's a game changer!

With the arrival of smart phones, the average person has more computing power at their fingertips than NASA had for the Apollo 11 moon landing! As technology evolves, we expect more from it, hence we're always looking for the next big thing!

But when it comes to apps, we're hooked. In fact, most people prefer an app over a website, as long as it fulfils the same needs. Which probably explains why predictions for 2024 forecast that 42% of all UK sales will be driven by apps!

But there's a twist...

These aren't the run-of-the mill apps you're used to. These are apps with super powers, or at least it seems that way! The apps of the future are using beacon technology to take the user experience to a whole new level!

What are beacons?

Beacons are an emerging technology that's set to revolutionise the way we interact with the apps on our phones. Using low energy Bluetooth signals, beacons transmit information from a static device (the Beacon) to an app on your mobile phone.

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Beacons - What why how? | BlueSky Perth Custom Web + App Development

So what?

Well, these signals are activated when the user comes into close proximity to the beacon. Which means, the user will receive notifications, offers and information at exactly the time when they are passing your store, restaurant or attraction.

Unlimited opportunities

From a business perspective, this creates an unlimited array of opportunities to engage with your customers in context, which adds a powerful new dimension to your communication.

Imagine this...

It's a busy Saturday morning and Jane's shopping with 3 kids in tow, feeling frazzled and wondering why she dragged them along. As she passes in proximity to your activity-centre ‘Play Planet' her phone vibrates – there's a special offer '2 for 1' for an hour of supervised play.

Do you think Jane will thank you?

Chances are you'll have made her day! Why? Because you solved her most pressing problem exactly when she needed it most!

Thriving businesses solve problems

Businesses exist to solve problems, but the challenge is to let customers know you have the solution they need. Beacon technology is about to make this so much simpler.

As developers, technology is in our DNA. We're always looking for the next advance, the new software or idea that will push the boundaries of current thinking. And right now, we believe beacon technology is next big thing.

Which is why we're looking for ways to help you get ahead of the curve and embrace the possibilities this offers.

If this article has sparked your interest in beacons, then let's talk.

Team BlueSky | BlueSky Perth Custom Web + App Development
Team BlueSky
6 years ago
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